
You can send me a message ↴ or give me a call on the phonenumber below ✆

About Us

Over the past 20 years I was privileged to hold many kinds of materials in my own hands. So I learnt there are almost endless varieties of colors and crystallizations on this planet. You can be wondered every day. That’s why I gave up my day job to work with this material.

First I had a crystalshop named “Decosteen” for 7 years, in the city center of Arnhem. The good old days : ) Now I apply to gemstones and special materials to sell online and on the road. On request I visit customers to show my collection. For this you can make an appointment and I’m happy to see you.

My favorite shows in Europe are Saint Marie aux Mines & The Munnic show. So if you want to meet up, I’m always there!

Kind regards, Teun Vreken
